Household Voting
If we are referring to head-of-household voting that took place before the Women’s Suffrage Movement, then no. I don’t agree that repealing the 19th amendment for voting is a fundamental principle, and all Americans deserve the equal opportunity to make their voices heard in our democracy.
The 19th amendment states: “The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex. Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.”
As a Presbyterian and covenanter, I recognize that the head-of-household voting is viewed as a practice within the family structure and a respect for the family/marriage convenant. And as a paedobaptist, I believe a child is dependent on his parents, his household, to be represented until they are of voting age. Same with their faith.
Now I know Doug Wilson and several others in his camp believe the ratification of this amendment was “a mistake” and that they are heavy supporters of household voting. I’ve seen several data from the last few voting years that women have slightly higher voter rates/turnout compared to men. Joel from Right Response tweeted this data saying women are more easily deceived than men and that the 19th amendment was a bad idea.
I affirm individual voting. Women have a voice. Now with that being said, I do believe voting is a conversation that must be had between a husband and wife. Spouses should have in-depth discussions about candidates and be unified in voting. So structurally, yes households should vote together but individually with both the male and female voice.. It simply doubles the vote. No issue there.
In one of the surveys it stated that unmarried educated women are consistently voting democratic. We have work to do there and revoking her right to vote is not the answer. She will continue to live out liberal values whether she can vote or not––her soul hangs in the balance.
Now there’s a lot of work to be done. Men need to step up, do their homework, and familiarize themselves with political polls. Women needn’t be ignored.
Every American has a right to vote (with voter ID). Households should vote unified in a double vote.